TWIFT | Esport | Far Cry 5 Fishing Guide: Tips, Tricks, Locations and Records

Far Cry 5 Fishing Guide: Tips, Tricks, Locations and Records

If you get tired of shooting in Far Cry 5, fishing can be a great way for you to relax and get some experience points and money. However, do not rush to run to the first pond that comes across. Fishing in Far Cry 5 is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is a full-fledged mini-game with its secrets and features. 

Far Cry 5

How to fish effectively, where to find the best fish, as well as how to break fishing records and get improved fishing rods – read further in the article.

Far Cry 5 Fishing Basics: How to Start?

To start fishing, you first have to go through the entire initial part of the game and free the area “Dutch’s Island”. When you open the entire map, you can relax a bit and go catch some fish. However, this is not all.

For fishing, of course, you will need a fishing rod. You can buy it in the store for $800, find it, or get it for completing a quest. The easiest option is to find it. To do this, you need to go to the main island located next to the territory belonging to Jacob. There on the river, you can find a boat. Swim upstream on it. When you spot a fishing shop, stop the boat, and look around the area. You will find a fish-rod that someone left here.

Far Cry 5

The answer to the question of how to fish in Far Cry 5 is very simple: do not rush or twitch. Drop the bait and wait for the fish to swallow it, then pull. The prey needs to be exhausted. Also, watch out for the tension of the line – it may break. Do not worry, if you do not succeed immediately to catch a fish. It takes a little practice.

Fish List and Locations

Far Cry 5

There are particular fishing spots in Far Cry 5, they are marked on the map with special marks. You can discover new places as you explore the world, or when you find new maps and magazines about fishing, as well as when checking road signs.

Bull Trout. You can catch this fish just in the place where you found the fish-rod. Besides, there are several other good places to catch this fish, located south of the main island.

Far Cry 5

Chinook Salmon. When you go through the mission to tame the bear, you will be able to find a good place where you will have the opportunity to catch chinook salmon. Also, this fish can be caught near Dansky Cabin, which is found on the lands belonging to Jacob.

Arctic Grayling. Found in the Jacob Lands area, it can also be found near Howard Cabin and in Gardenview.

Far Cry 5

Kokanee Salmon. Fish can be caught in the large lake in the north of the map. Also, it is found near the main island. Look in the northwest part of the lake.

Golden Trout. This fish is found in the central area of ​​the map. You can search near Trailer Park and Gardenview.

Far Cry 5

Rainbow Trout. Caught on lands owned by Jacob. Go to the central part of the map – there are three good places at once, they are quite close to each other.

Far Cry 5

Lake Trout. This type of fish can be found in abundance on the lands belonging to Jacob. Besides, there are several other places in the rivers far north of the map.

Far Cry 5

Rock Bass. This fish can only be caught in the Faith’s Region. A couple of good places are also located on the coast of the southern river.

Far Cry 5

Largemouth. If you decide to catch a Bigmouth in Far Cry 5, head to the eastern part of the Faith’s Region. Find two spots near the border of the location.

Far Cry 5

Smallmouth. Like other types of perch, you can only catch this fish in the Faith’s Region.

Far Cry 5

Pallid Sturgeon. Two great spots to catch this fish are next to the church in the southern lands of Jacob.

Far Cry 5

Paddlefish Sturgeon. This fish can be caught in the southern region of Jacob’s land. As with the white shovelnose, you can find a good spot near the church.

Far Cry 5

Fishing Sidequests

All fishing quests are associated with a girl named Skylar. Far Cry 5 is not surprising in this sense. You just need to catch different fish for Skylar.

Far Cry 5

1. Tools of the Trade

In the first quest, you will need to get fish-rods from Dylan, Skylar’s lover. Just shoot his stuff until he gives up the rods. By the way, this rod is somewhat better in quality than the one you found near the fishing shop.

2. Gone Fishin’

All you have to do is catch three different types of fish. Open perk Fishing King, to effectively deal with catching the fish. The order of fishing, as well as its size, does not matter to Skylar.

3. The Admiral

Far Cry 5

The quest to catch the Admiral fish in Far Cry 5 will require you to have a better fish-rod than the one you have. Remember that you just need to catch a very large fish. Make sure that you have something to fight off the enemy in case of danger. Catching for this sturgeon, depending on your skills, can be a very long process.

In any case, completing quests with Skylar, you will learn a lot of useful information that will help you earn money and experience in the future. After a while, you can take the time to find fishing magazines to discover new spots.

Far Cry 5 Fishing Records

Where to Find?

Far Cry 5

Each region has a special fishing record board. These tables are located at the headquarters of the respective zone.

How to Beat?

To break the record, you need to catch a large fish. At the same time, keep in mind that you need to fish only in places marked “Hard”. A blue medal next to the name of the fish on the table will mean that you have broken the record.

When you break all records, you will be rewarded with a unique Old Betsy rod.


Fishing in Far Cry 5 is an interesting addition if you feel like taking a break from the main story. It is such a game in the game, which will especially appeal to fans of fishing. However, even if you are not a fan of this activity, you should try it – it’s fun and profitable.

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