12 reasons to be full of hopes in 2021 given by Bill Gates
Bill Gates has not built an impeccable reputation worldwide, but he definitely did his best to fight the pandemic on a global scale. He donated enough time, money, and effort to combat it, and that is why people consider him a reliable source of information and believe in his forecast in the upcoming year. Gates is very hopeful of the prospects in the year ahead and truly believes that 2021 will be a lot more promising than 2020. In his article, he is giving us 12 inspiring reasons to believe so too. Let me summarize them all for you and find out how trustworthy they indeed are.
1. Vaccine is being rapidly developed
Mankind has never made faster progress on vaccine development rather than last year. Just imagine that it took us less than one year to create a couple of vaccine samples instead of a decade. Not only can it take years to get a product to market, but it can cost billions of dollars and involve major scientific challenges ‒ especially when the disease is completely new to us as COVID-19 is.
2. People have finally realized the importance of masks and social distancing
Despite the widespread acceptance of masks and social distancing, many challenges undoubtedly remain as not all of us are responsible enough for other people’s lives. Nevertheless, people tend to raise their social awareness and gain more understanding of how to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.
3. Worldwide collaboration helps to hit global impact
Our global cooperation is the main reason why there must be great promise in the year ahead ‒ and not only the promise of getting the pandemic under control thanks to vaccination. People have to collaborate, exchange their ideas and resources to find the best solution to solve the world problem no matter whether it is COVID-19 or climate change.
4. More vaccines are in the pipeline
There are already two existing vaccines, which are considered to be rather safe and effective. In addition to already existing vaccines, numerous companies with different approaches are constantly developing new ones, which will be soon on the market. Hopefully, they will be not less successful than the previous two.
5. Financial risk is not a threat anymore as it can be shared
There is no need to be afraid of financial risks as they can be split between organizations involved in vaccine development. For example, CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, became a global partnership to stop current and future pandemics. It aims to bring together knowledge, tools, and methods to prevent and contain infectious disease epidemics.
6. Second-source agreements may solve the problem of vaccine manufacturing
Manufacturing can become the second challenge right after various vaccines will be available on the market. It means that vaccine production will have to be increased to meet the demands of the whole world. Gates assures that the second-source agreement is the only viable course to boost manufacturing.
7. Vaccine distribution requires smart logistics solutions
Mass production of needed doses was the first issue to be solved. As soon as production reached the necessary number, mankind faced the second problem to be tackled. Vaccine distribution became nearly impossible without smart logistic solutions and financial aid. The good news is that the world’s greatest minds are already working on this matter.
8. Mass people’s skepticism is fading
People tend to question any data and believe in conspiracy theories. Coronavirus vaccination has not become an exception and raised a lot of debates. Nevertheless, Gates admits that pressure groups under the leadership of the world’s greatest minds will soon dispel any doubts among people.
9. There is a significant improvement in medical treatment
Dexamethasone steroids and monoclonal antibodies have noticeably influenced therapeutics. However, the question of their production and distribution is still under consideration. This is exactly the case when the before-mentioned second-source agreements will come in handy.
10. A lot more progress can be observed in testing
Even though American citizens do not get their test results instantly, the whole process of testing has already become much faster and easier. For instance, FDA, The United States Food and Drug Administration has recently approved diagnostics that can be done at home, without sending them to the lab.
11. Third-world countries are not suffering massively from COVID-19
Despite a vast number of all possible contagious diseases in low-income countries, coronavirus has not hit the region immensely. What is more, their mortality rate is lower than in many well-developed countries like the US and the UK. Anyway, developing countries are still in need of financial aid for many other reasons.
12. World interaction can make it a better place for living
And last but not least, global engagement will assume particular significance in the future. Everyone must keep in mind that the pandemic is not the only issue nowadays. Besides it, there is a long list of world burning problems, and they also require a common effort to be tackled.
It is completely up to you whether to trust or mistrust these predictions. Perhaps Bill Gates just said what most of us needed to hear. Nonetheless, everyone must admit that our life will never be the same.