
13 Coronavirus Tips And Tricks: How To Keep Yourself Safe

Coronaviruses are not a unique phenomenon that appeared at the end of the last year. It constitutes an extensive family of viruses with proven pathogenic properties concerning humans or animals.

Until 2020, the most famous representatives of the coronavirus family were SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, causing Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that is now affecting the planet and is one of the latest infections discovered by humans.

Well, How Dangerous is COVID-19?

It depends on several factors like age and state of human immunity. Reports show that older people die most often from coronavirus. For people over 80, the probability of death is 15%. Besides, people with asthma, diabetes, and heart diseases are at increased risk.

At the moment there are almost 15 times more people cured of coronavirus than deaths!

One of the main dangers of COVID-19 is a long incubation period of up to 14 days. In other words, the symptoms of the disease may not appear for two weeks, and apparently, a “healthy” person can infect other people during this period.

So, coronavirus infection can affect two-thirds of the world’s population, according to one of the World Health Organization consultants.

On March 11, the spread of coronavirus was first called a pandemic. If you don’t have children yet, then after many years you’ll be able to tell them you lived during the pandemic times.

What Can I Do to Prevent Coronavirus Infection?

Here I give many coronavirus tips and tricks and you’ll maximally protect yourself from COVID-19. Here’s the main thing that is advised by the World Health Organization on how to keep yourself safe.

The whole world is quarantined, people try to stay at home, not contact with other people, wearing masks in public places. But what if you still have to leave the house because of your work, urgent matters, to help relatives who cannot cope on their own, and so on?

When you leave the house you automatically expose yourself and others to the danger of getting sick. After all, there is always a chance that you are already sick, you just don’t know about it, or a random passerby who looks healthier than everyone else will turn out to be a carrier of the disease. You need to know how simple coronavirus tips and tricks will help to keep yourself safe and avoid infection or at least minimize the chances of illness.

13 Simple and Effective Coronavirus Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Yourself Safe:

1. Face Masks in Public

The US CDC initially stated there is no need for ordinary citizens to wear face masks in public despite the pandemic. After the number of infected continued to grow at an incredible rate, all these medical services suddenly changed their minds. Now they strongly recommend draping nose and mouth with a cloth or another type of breathable fabric, including face masks you make at home for those who are in crowded places when there is no way to distance yourself from people (six feet of space between you and another person who isn’t a household member).

This is a voluntary precaution so far. You can use the masks you made at home or any fabric you want. On the one hand, this is also prevention and protection. But you should understand that hand made masks protect well when you have a cough and sniffle but it misses such small viruses anyway. The chance of infection is less, but it is still great. Only N95 respirator masks (reserved for health care workers) can block such viruses.

2. No Fingertips Anymore. Use Whatever You Want Instead

You have a huge number of body parts that you can use to do simple things. You must understand that for security you need to minimize the contact of your hands, and especially fingertips with other surfaces. Do not shake hands even with friends, because it is dangerous for both of you. Push a door with your shoulder, hip or foot instead of hands.

You can usually flip on a light switch or sink faucet with your elbow or wrist, and you can wrap the sleeve of your sweater or jacket around the handle of any doors you have to physically pull open. It’s easy enough to toss your clothing into the wash later rather than expose your skin now, especially if the chances to use your hands to touch food items are high (you’re opening the door to a restaurant to order takeout).

3. Distance

One of the most important coronavirus tips and tricks is to keep a distance. Keep at least one meter away from coughing or sneezing people. This is to prevent droplets from the nose or mouth of another person who might be infected with the COVID-19.

But it’s important to distance yourself not only from people with symptoms, and it is also necessary to avoid absolutely any contact with strangers or even friends. No one can know who is already infected and who is no, this is necessary not only for your safety but also for those around you. Yes, you cannot be 100% sure that you are not sick already. So, the distance is needed for you and others.

When you go shopping, pick up parcels or you urgently need to do something at work, always make sure that you are not too close to other people. In many countries, legislation has imposed restrictions on the number of people in stores and public places. Most countries have strict quarantine, and people can’t leave home without need at all. But not everyone will abide by these rules, even if a fine is imposed. Therefore, you must distance yourself to keep yourself safe. Feel free to tell people in line at the store or the bank so that they move away. This is all-out security and it must be respected.

4. Automatic Doors

Most modern buildings are equipped with buttons for automatically opening doors for people with disabilities. This button is easy to press with almost any part of the body (usually they are low), so always use this feature. Moreover, you can buy such technologies for your home to maximize its security.

5. Watch Your Phone

Disinfectants are always good. It’s very useful to carry with and use it as often as possible. 

This is a good precaution in addition to the rest. But why fight the consequences if you can prevent it? Do you really need to get your phone out and put it somewhere outside? You can leave it in a jacket or even at home. Yes, a smartphone is an indispensable thing in the modern world, but a trip to buy food or to work can sometimes be done without a phone (rarely, but possible). Then you do not have to wipe it with napkins or disinfect it every time. 

If you have such an opportunity, minimize contact with the phone. This is a very useful device, but it is always in your hands and close to your face. This is one of those things on which viruses settle well and with constant contact, it is very easy to get infected.

6. Avoid Using Tote Bags

Increasingly, store policy excludes you from bringing outside tote bags and other bags into grocery stores or at least, using them in the bagging area. If you want to lessen your environmental impact, reuse the store’s fresh bags at home.

Not all stores have sanitary wipes. Yes, now all stores are required to sanitize carts and baskets every day. But how many people touch them during the day? And how many of them are sick? So how to keep yourself safe?

You need to wash your hands before leaving the house and in the same way after you return. But it would also be nice if you go out with your backpack, your bags, your disinfectant, and do not hope that the store employees take care of this instead of you. People can make mistakes, even if they’re not doing it on purpose.

7. Be Aware in Stores

There is another important thing during shopping on how to keep yourself safe. People who often go shopping always choose food very carefully. They examine, touch it and so on. Now, this is a big problem. Yes, I do not want to choose a spoiled fruit. Therefore, you must have disposable gloves or a bag to check apples or tomatoes. In any case, you will wash these products at home, but it’s still necessary to reduce the risk. Plus sellers and other buyers will see this and it will be easier for them. Better yet, if some of them follow your example.

8. Don’t Touch Anything At All

Everything outside your home ‒ DO NOT TOUCH IT. It’s hard, some things become a habit. But now another habit must be created. Do not shake hands with friends, do not hug relatives. 

Resist these impulses and everything will be fine. Even if someone may be offended, explain to them how important your and his or her safety are to you. In fact, any contact, even at a distance, is best avoided. But if it already happened, at least limit the touch. It will be better for you and your friends.

9. Wash Your Hands Always. Literally ALWAYS.

Social distancing is not enough advice on how to keep yourself safe. Handwashing is the most important weapon in the fight against coronavirus. Every time you leave the house or vice versa, do not forget to wash your hands with soap carefully. 20 seconds is the minimum. 

I count five long seconds (one-one-thousand) of soaping each hand, in between the fingers and up to the wrists, then count another five seconds for washing each hand thoroughly to get the soap and any dead germs off. I often wash the soap dispenser pump and faucet handles too.

This way you will feel much calmer and know that you are safe.

10. Don’t Forget About Your Home and Car

When you return from an important meeting, do not forget that you need to watch not only for yourself but also for your things. The main way viruses are transmitted is from person to person. But not only this can be dangerous. The virus can easily be on the surface of various things for hours, and sometimes days. Therefore, to keep yourself safe, you must thoroughly wash things that you or other people have touched. As often as possible, it is necessary to do wet cleaning in the house. Yes, nobody likes to clean, it sucks. But sanitizing your home and car is a way of reducing coronavirus risks.

11. Carry Tissues, Dry and Disinfecting Wipes.

It should become a habit for you not only to wash your hands before going out but also to take a small “kit” with you. This is an additional tissue, wet wipes, sanitizer, mask, etc.

You can use them not only to disinfect your hands or face, but you can also use your handkerchief to open the door, make phone calls, touch products in the store, etc. There are a lot of ways to use it, so during quarantine and pandemic, all these things are vital.

12. Forget About Cash

Remember that viruses can stay on things? Of course, that was two points ago. But disinfecting your own home is a little thing compared to the things that almost everyone uses. This is cash. You can’t imagine how many people touch one bill per day.

If there is a danger of getting sick, even simply by walking past a person, it will be very irresponsible to use cash that goes through a lot of other people’s hands. Fortunately, no problems with a credit card should arise in 2020. You can pay it almost anywhere. So you minimize the risk and you will be sure that no one has touched this card and will calmly pay when necessary.

Also, if you are a business person, it’s best to carry your own pen with you. Perhaps you will need to sign something, then it is better to use the pen that you have taken with you from home. And of course, at home, you will need to disinfect it later.

13. Put Dangerous Objects Away

As I said earlier, the coronavirus can remain on objects for a while. Under “good” conditions for the virus, it can live on the surfaces of your jacket or backpack for up to 9 days. This is unlikely, but still possible. But even more. Scientists found that the coronavirus RNA remained in cabins of Diamond Princess Cruise ship up to 17 days after passengers departed.

We know that a thorough cleaning with good soap and water will kill the virus’ structure, but if you’re not sure how to disinfect an item, like a dry-clean-only jacket or pair of boots, setting it aside for three or four weeks is another option.

These are the 13 most important coronavirus tips and tricks on how to keep yourself safe during the pandemic. Do not forget that this is not a joke or a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies. This is a really dangerous virus that can harm you and your loved ones. 

Try to follow these 13 coronavirus tips and tricks and Virus Shall Not Pass!

Finger Willy

The God of sarcasm and the king of criticism. I have traveled around the globe and got so sick of all the stuff happening in the world. I've seen it all and now I'm ready to tell you what I think. And in the way, I f*** think. Don’t start whining, just use critical thinking! He’s got his common sense, and you know it. So he won’t f*** around with no reason. I'll comment your oddly long-reads and I'll show you my mid’ le finger when you’re being dumb af. Sorry, not sorry. Do you want to know my opinion on all the global issues: global warmth, over tolerance, politics, war, science, religion, etc? You got it! I'm the top banana here. And I always go bananas. Join me and enjoy me!

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