Toilet Paper Cake: How a Bakery in Finland Makes Money in a Crisis
A novelty corona cake that looks like a roll of snow-white toilet paper is made in the Finnish Ronttosrouva bakery. Such Finnish cakes don’t leave their customers indifferent. So, what is toilet cakes?
When the global quarantine was officially announced, great hype began in almost all supermarkets all over the world. People in a panic bought food, cereals, eggs, sanitizers, and masks. The most unexpected was the shortage of fucking toilet paper.
Confectioners from Helsinki decided to make some cash out of it. And they haven’t failed. The demand for Finnish cakes has grown instantly.
In an interview with Reuters, the baker of the Finland cakes, Uliana Timofeeva, said that the first five sweet Finnish cakes in the form of toilet paper were sold within an hour. Compared to other Finland cakes, it was a real boom! A little later, such a corona cake blew up social networks.
And after some time, other countries became interested in novelty toilet paper. So, the idea of the corona cake came to bakers in other countries of the world.
Such a small Finnish bakery has become world-famous just for creating novelty toilet paper. Thanks to its innovative approach, the team not only managed to survive in a crisis but also increased its income thanks to sales of Finland cakes.
According to the Helsinki cafe owner, Saana Lampinen, now their bakery receives hundreds of orders. Also, two more workers have been hired in a small friendly team of 9 people since the workload increased significantly.
“This is a difficult and crucial period for us, but now I’m calm because I know that nothing threatens all my employees, they saved their income and are completely safe for several months of quarantine due to novelty toilet paper,” said the director Ms. Lampinen.
As you know, the outbreak of coronavirus infection COVID-19 paralyzed the global economy, millions of businesses lost their earnings, and people lost jobs…
This creative approach of individual enterprises shows not only their endurance but also the ability to adapt to unforeseen situations and even improve their cool work. The lack of toilet paper in Finland and the general panic didn’t stop the bakery from bringing joy to customers, distracting them from anxious thoughts, and allowing to come to limitations with humor.
Also, the Finnish cakes of the Ronttosrouva confectionery attract not only with their appearance, depicting scarce goods but also with a pleasant delicious taste. Now you know what toilet cakes are!