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IKEA Introduces PS5 & Xbox Series X Mock Consoles

Following the long-awaited release of the next-gen PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, fans were shocked by the sheer size of the new advanced devices.

Consequently, the much inspired by the what’s in the box meme question arose: will the next-generation consoles fit in their traditional installation locations.


The Xbox Series X, while quite short compared to the PlayStation, is still much wider than the Xbox One refurbished. As for the PlayStation 5 ‒ it is recognized as the largest console in history. Its height reaches over 15 inches. A Sony engineer revealed the reason for the PlayStation 5’s large size last October ‒ a big and powerful cooler. Sony initially considered two smaller fans, but they proved to be more difficult to synchronize and control than one.

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Until the thinner models of next-generation consoles go on sale, players will have to re-equip their shelves or purchase new cabinets that are suitable in size.

Thus, the Scandinavian furniture manufacturer IKEA, known both for its ergonomic home products (just remember the IKEA magnetic board) and useless, but very cute little things (like the IKEA shark), presented its gamer-buyers with a pleasant surprise. The design team has worked hard to optimize their furniture for the new consoles and have designed layouts that are exactly the size of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. This should make it much easier for buyers to choose the right furniture.

A Reddit Halo thread user posted a photo of these mockups taken in one of the IKEA showrooms.


Interestingly, there is a caption on the PlayStation 5 mockup that reads, “Which IKEA media storage unit will be able to fit my new, meme-ishly oversized, gaming console?”

This solution will save customers the hassle of dragging and dropping consoles from home to store just to see if their brand new PS5 fits the desired cabinet.

The fact that IKEA has created such dummy consoles suggests that the store has already answered customer questions about shelf sizes concerning PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. However, IKEA customers now have one less problem.

New generation consoles are hard to come by even months after release. But the developers of both companies assure that soon they will launch additional shipments of such sought-after consoles.

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