New Products by Zoom to Be Launched
The videoconferencing platform Zoom benefited a great deal during 2020. The COVID-19 influenced the way people worked, got together, and spent their time, that is to say, everything went online. But currently, Zoom is broadening its scope of products and except for video chatting it is developing a web email service and a calendar app.
The email product development has already started and it is going to be tested this year. The idea to generate a new kind of products is a pretty sensible one, as due to the beginning of COVID-19 vaccination, it is supposed that a great number of offices are going to work offline, and the popularity of video conferencing may decrease.
The most significant competitors of Zoom in the area of video chatting are the Office 365 platform owned by Microsoft and Workspace belonging to Google, both of which offer additional products besides the video chat, namely calendar, and email. It is not surprising therefore that Zoom aspires to supplement its output with follow-up apps.
However, Zoom might probably wait till work offline becomes widespread again to check whether videoconferencing is still topical in the coming years.