Airlines are going to cook the most dangerous virus
Hopefully, even a cooked virus will taste better than a regular plane food, which is more likely a nightmare!
As all the airline industry is in total jeopardy due to pandemic and hemorrhaging money, Boeing sponsored the studies aimed to allow them to work. If you for one second think they are worried about us, passengers, please don’t! The company is busy finding options for killing virus, covid-19, in the flight deck.
No one actually cares about how you feel when you got stuck in the environment with recirculated air for hours and hours. Suffer, bitches! But God forbid the virus, He Who Must Not Be Named, sets itself comfortably in the cockpit surface.
Eggheads from the University of Arizona think they’ve made a breakthrough in this battle of virus and mankind. In 2020 AD they found out what was actually known since Jesus was a Corporal – heat kills viruses. And here’s a brilliant idea: let’s treat surfaces with heat for a couple of hours, it’ll help to make it sterile. Really, guys? Expecting to get a Nobel prize any minute now? OR waiting till you suggest pilots just fly closer to the Sun?
Ok, if heat helps with coronavirus, what’s Arizona doing wrong then? Why the state suffered so many cases if the place is hot as hell the major part of the year.
Coronavirus doesn’t appear on surfaces out of anywhere; pilots will bring it to a cockpit. Are geeks considering the possibility to cook a virus before it leaves pilots by any means? So far the whole idea seems to be a pile of crap on top of the even bigger pile of crap. Let’s wait and see where it all goes.