Chinese Photographer Missing for Capturing Environmental Threats
Famous Chinese photographer Lu Guang who has spent decades shedding light on an ugly side of China’s life, disappeared while visiting the Chinese province of Xinjiang, which is under the strict surveillance of the authorities. The photographer was invited to several exhibitions and charity events there.
The missing man was reported by his wife Xu Xiaoli. According to her, Lou did not get in touch since November 3. Later it became known that Lu Guang was detained by intelligence officers of China. Apparently, the reason for the arrest was the professional activity of the photographer.
The photographer disclosed to the world those aspects of China that the government of the country wanted to keep in shadow. His pictures’ themes were drug addiction, HIV, environmental disasters, poverty, and other frightening things.
Thanks to his work, Guang has been the laureate of the prestigious photo press contest World Press Photo not once but three times. But today, the main character of the story is the man behind the camera himself.
His wife claims she does not know if the missing is due to her husband’s brave activity, and that she does not know why he was detained as he went there just to exchange professional experience with colleagues and nothing more. Besides, the man has never had problems with the police before.
Of course, a photographer who opens eyes on how the Chinese people die from dangerous diseases and suffocate from toxic fumes at the workplace could become “undesirable” for people in power.
Since there has been no news from the man, the Reporters Without Borders Association demanded clarification from the Chinese authorities about Lu Guan’s location, as well as the guarantee of the safety of photojournalists in the province. Hopefully, the situation will soon become clear, and the world will find out what happened to the notorious photographer.