Tired of BREXIT already? Meet VEXIT
According to The Daily Mail, Venice won the court battle over a referendum on whether the city should have autonomy from mainland Italy that could save it from destructive tourism.
Since its peak in the last century, the population of Venice has decreased by 117 thousand people. Now the city has only 53 thousand inhabitants. According to the activists, the city needs a council and mayor that puts the interests of residents above the interests of the 20 million tourists who fill the narrow streets of the city every year. Matteo Secchi, head of Venessia.com, a local activist group, said: “Once we are separated from the mainland, we will become the masters of our own destiny, able to restore local housing and business.”
Luigi Bruniaro, the Mayor, urged locals not to hold a referendum but lost the court. He even introduced an additional tourist contribution to raise funds for locals and to persuade them not to separate from Italy. Cruise ships were also banned from entering Venice because they were destroying the foundations of houses.
Since 1970 at least four referendums on the autonomy for Venice have been held but none of them have been passed. Let’s wait and see how will it be this time.