TWIFT | Other | Pumpkin transport: how a farmer decided to become a Cinderella-man

Pumpkin transport: how a farmer decided to become a Cinderella-man

It is just a manual for those who want to cut the bullshit in front of neighbors and do some kayaking:
Grow one 910-pound pumpkin, as a farmer Justin Ownby from Tennessee did.
Carve out its pulp.
Your freaky sailing boat is ready!
Oh! And don’t forget to make a video about your nutty adventures in the nearby pond.

That was quite an extraordinary experiment of the American farmer, that dazzled passers-by. According to Ownby’s wife, they spent four years, trying to grow such a giant orange crap. This year they were on a roll.
Well, of course, the farmer used the seeds of record holder gourds, grown in their state. He pushed all of his limits, taking care of his giant “pet”.
Farmers’ family left that outstanding pumpkin right in the pond, saying something like: “Catfish will take fucking care of it!”
This is one fucking crazy world we live in. Enjoy your life! 🙂

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