TWIFT | Lifestyle | Inexplicably, but a fact from Megan Fox: why the actress’s son wears dresses

Inexplicably, but a fact from Megan Fox: why the actress’s son wears dresses

Inexplicably, but a fact from Megan Fox: why the actress’s son wears dresses

Sexy woman with a beautiful figure conquered more than one man’s heart, maybe even a woman, but couldn’t keep her family from strangeness. Although Megan Fox is not afraid of her son. Well, the dude wears dresses, maybe he thinks he is a Scot. It is what it is. Or maybe Megan wanted a girl?

megan fox

It is hard not to pay attention to the fact that the son of American beauty Megan Fox dresses like a cute girl. According to the actress, the child expresses himself so. Is she afraid that peers will be laughing at him? Of course, we live in the modern world, but children have their Universe: “If you are not like us, we’re kickin’ your ass”. Here, most likely, the fact that he is the son of the sex icon Megan will not play a role. If it was Iron Man, then okay. Although Robert Downey was unlikely to let his male child walk in even the most fucking cool dress.

Megan Fox in the talk show “The Talk”

Six-year-old Megan Fox son is criticized by his classmates. First-graders without front milk teeth don’t really like his style. The star refers to this very simple, gives him the right to choose for himself what is good and bad. But maybe at 6 years old she still has to give him the right advice? Don’t forget, at this age, children get significant baggage of good or bad experience. Maybe Megan often likes to play dress up. Role-playing games and everything like that.

It turns out Megan didn’t just bail on her son, she has her upbringing plan. The actress is outraged that the guys are supposedly not allowed to wear pink dresses and things. Allowing to walk in women’s clothing, Megan doesn’t want her son to be beaten but wants to make him confident. She doesn’t care that at 6 years old this is not what he needs. The girl has a great mission here!

Who does sexy Megan want to create?

Megan Fox wants to raise a designer from her baby, and also a beautiful girl. She thinks he is a fucking talented boy. The boy often helps his star mom with a choice of dress and offers her very original combinations. By the way, Megan is not the first time talking in an interview about Noah’s outfits. A few years ago, in a conversation with reporters, Fox admitted that she doesn’t interfere with dressing the way he wants, despite constant criticism from the public.

megan fox

“Dresses, glasses, slippers… whatever! This is his life and his clothes! Now he is at that age when he can afford to have fun. Dressing in a dress, he doesn’t harm anyone. So if he wants to wear girlish clothes, let him do that”, — Fox said.

On the one hand, Megan Fox is right, but on the MAIN side — well, no! How a 6 years old child can understand what exactly he needs? And if he wants to have some dogshit breakfast? This is a circus from the Hollywood star!

By the way, the actress is not the only woman allowing kids to wear strange outfits. Okay, Will Smith’s 21-year-old son can choose what is closer to him. As for baby Fox, everything is very doubtful.

On the one hand, it is possible to support people who seek to express themselves. But, if a person does this at a conscious age, this is his choice. If under 6 years old this is a problem. We remind you that Noah dresses like “mother’s princess” from two years old. If we compare the outfits of the son of Will Smith and the baby Megan, then the images of the first man still don’t resemble female ones. There are no outfits of Disney beauties.

Noah’s father closed this topic two years ago: “I heard from some people that they can’t accept Noah’s style. What can I answer them? I don’t care. If he wants to wear something, he puts it on. It seems to me that at the age of 4-6 years, you need only one thing to have fun. Appearing in dresses, he does no harm to anyone. If he wants to look like that, great! This is good for him”.

It’s nice when parents respect your choice. True, not all of our decisions in childhood can be called normal. The Megan family will solve their problems, and as far as everything is right, the audience is left to follow the new outfits of the little “Princess” Noah.

Megan said that will not forbid anything to her son. It’s cool to have an adult in the family who is always supporting you. Even if you want to use drugs and jump from the tenth floor. No matter how fucking boring it may sound, severity is also important in parents, sometimes you need to be able to say “no”. A lot of freedom is also not cool, and so much fucking attention at six years too.

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